torsdag 2 april 2009

Ankor Wat and M-16

Some how this day magically started at 4:30 am when our alarm rang.. probably the only time this trip I was the last out of bed after both the Phills (might have been the sleep deprivation and beer the night before that they choose to skip). We got ready had some night toast and jumped in a MC tuck tuck we arranged yesterday. Half and hour later (about 5:30 am) we arrived to the temple sight and payed $20 each (this country is SUPER expencive... Darn the dollar system crap and luxury tourists raising the prices) to gain entry to all the temples for one day..

For you who might not know there is a coupple of 100 temples and sight to se scattered across 300 scuarekilometres, so ther is quite a lot to see.. We decided to only visit 4 locations wich we thought were optimal..

In the sunset outside the Ankor Vat main complex.

The Ankor What was amazing.. Extramly big say a lot of it!

We Visited the Ankor tombs.. Lot of Faces of buddha and Giant temple buildings.. Great Civilization once up on a time..

The Tomb raider ruins (that's what I choose to call them).. Laura croft walked theese paths.. or at least Angelina Jolie when they shoot the movie.. Amazing senery!! The second most amaxing place after the Ankor Wat..

Reclaim the Jungle - "The jungle that fought back"

Lets not forget the Giant Kings Library.. Giant structure gave you a feel of the might and knowledge once possesed by the khemers....

This place was said to once up on a time contain unimaginable treasures in gold and knowledge. It sure looked amazing a couple of hundred meters long..

The land mine museum was a quite shaking experience considering people get blown away every week.. the estimate a total of 30-60 million landmines laying around cambodia wating to be disarmed.. .

On the way back from the landmines museum we stoped at a temple ruin looking like a pyramide.. We scaled it and I feelt like Indiana Jones as I gazed out into the jungle..

The Big shooter Filip payed our driver extra to go to a shooting range.. They had a vast selection of armory that could be fired if you payed the right price...

The shooting range was locataed next to an army base making sure there would not be any wanna be Rambos going baersek.. We got the prices of the diffrent firearms and Filip choose to shoot with the M-16 (a peice of plastic). I think I would have gone for the AK-47 if I would have considered paying $40 for 20 rounds...

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