måndag 6 april 2009

Phenom Phen and the herritage of the Red Khmers

We left Siam Reap for the 'great' kapital of Cambodia, Phenom Phen.
Here we got a Giant room for $20 (still high rollers with Filip in the visinity)
and made ourselfes cofortable.
Filip only had two days before he was heading home and we would continue to Sinoukville.
We choose to deepen our knowledge in the Pol pot regime and the atrocities that were comitted.
.... was once a school but was abandoned when Pol Pots regime emptied the cities in his dream of creating a rural society. It got trancformed in to a "Correction facility" or to be more acurate, a prison for political prisoners. Thousands got tortured and when they were deemed usless by their gards they were sent to the Killing fields.

After S-21 we continued with Tuck tuck (a motorcycle with a wagon behind it) to...
...The Killing Fields...
...Is the place were aproximately 20'000 people got executed in various ways and burried in mass graves. It was as you might imagine, HORIFFIC..
In the middle of the field they had a monument 20 meters high built as a reminder of the atrocities that once went down.. It contained most of the sculls found during the exavations of the fields.

I encourage every one to learn about the Genocidal Pol Pot regime. This will help empathy be the future (I hope)..
The tree seen in the picture have seen a lot of things (read the sign by clicking on the picture)...
Bugs (wich i did not try, would you?) is sold on the street in Cambodia.
A new entry to the "how many people can fit on one moto during rush hour trafic" contest..

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