måndag 9 februari 2009

The good life in the south!!

I finished a little fast when I wrote about Kollam.. I would like to expand my comment about our Movie experience...

Imagine a giant space in 4 stages. you got a ridiculously big screen and a theater that could accommodate maybe 2-3000 people. We are sitting at one of the balconies waiting for the movie to start.. the giant fans turn on (we are after all in a tropical area = +30C) . The one in front of us starts quirking (loudly).. When the movie starts we cant hear the quirking anymore because the movie volume makes it impossible to hear much else than the movie, well we heard all of the Indian guys (probably a total of two females in the theater, Action after all??) whistling loudly shouting, witch is probably why they kept the volume so loud...
... We thought they whistled a lot when the movie started... NOT!!!
Only really oppressed guys (sexually oppressed) can scream so much when a girl enters the scene, and continue to do so the entire movie...

Only in India??

In India the guys hold hands, sitting in each others laps and being overall cuddly.. I guess it's a what happens when the only thing you know about physical contact involves men... If you kiss you marry, na???

This means that most westerners will think of Indian men (any age, married, unmarried (some married men have children and have not yet seen their wife naked, and Yes, I've had some interesting discussions about this) tall or short) as very immature.. 40 year old virgin 4 real.. just not as shy about it...

But I don't feel as bad for the men as I do for the women.. Who gives them hugs?? Marring immature virgins and .. Wow...

....hrmmm.... Side tracked again..

I was... in... Aaaa, Kollam leaving for Varkala..

So usual hustle, we woke up got breakfast 20rps of the street (parottas and curry)..
Caught the local buss.. (When you ask for directions or anything.. FOLLOW THE GOLDEN RULE: Ask three people, If you get different answers go with the most interesting)

An always interesting buss ride later (being the only goras (whitiies) on the buss having 20 pairs of eyes staring at you at all times) we got of at the closest bigger town and got on a 120 rps rickshaw down to the beach..

Hustled to get a room.. When hustling you are meant to ask around and try to get the price down but we were tired so we took the first offer, a 250 rps room a little bit off the main strip..

Varkala turned out to be really nice, although very touristy. The next day we hustled a better room located a little closer to the main strip behind the rock and roll cafe.
(It turned out to be two Italians, Aldo, with his friend, Bruno, who ran the place. They had bought it 3 month earlier and seemed to enjoy life by having nice company and letting friends stay for free and spent the nights chilling drinking beer)

The beach was nice. It's not like Palaloem or Gokarna where everything was located right at the beach. The coast here got high cliffs facing with the beach beneath. No cows and not to much hustlers down at the beach (the fruit lady was the worst, 70 rps for a pineapple!?). The best thing about this beach tho is the waves, A lot of body surfing!!!

In varkala we experienced the small world of traveling.
We met Shara from Gokarna, Kevin and Claire from Cochin, Viktor my friend from Sweden! and Serena from the boat to Kolam..

To sum it up we meet a lot of nice people.

Serena, Very nice English law graduate with a good attitude towards life (I'm sure a few years of law practice will wont affect you (really, I mean it))

Kevin and Claire were on a shorter vacation but they had it figured out, after all I met them in India. Kevin was amazingly good with pois.. (Have to say it again AMAZING.. Guess seven years of frequent practice will leave its marks)

Gabriell the arch angel from NZ was very nice to, I hope to see you again mate...

Viktor had advanzed in life and had figured out life is meant to be lived happily (made the deeper realization). He is now on his way improving quality of life!

We also met Stu and Pam from Dublin, Irland (is that how you spell it). Wonderful couple on an AMAZING journey. They also got it figured out! read their blog: travelblog.org/bloggers/stupam

From now on I'll try to base my blog photos and photo descriptions because I need some structure.

These nice cats were hanging under our table when we had breakfast the first morning in varkala before we hustled a new room.

The breakfast itself were quite nice if you like it Spicy, Very spicy.. Tomato fry with parottas for Phillip and a Special Dosa (Big fried pancake like thing with different sauses) for me.. 55rps, Nice...

The beach of the fire staff...
Wow I had some nice practice with my staff caching quite some attention (I admit liking attention).. The rock and roll restaurant convinced me to have a fire show in return for a few drinks. It was all very fun and all but then they asked me to walk out to the path in front of the restaurant. The path is about a meter and a half deep with about a meters margin to a stone face (15 meter drop)... Somehow I agreed to do this (the gave me the free drinks before we lit the staff) and It all went well until I had to catch the staff early after a trow tho a guy walked dangerously near. I ended up seizing it 10 cm from the flame and since my staff is home made it wasn't really made out of the ideal material (stainless steel) and gave me a third degree burn the since of a silver dollar between my thumb and my index finger.

Sitting at the funky art cafe with Viktor, Phillip, Serena, Claire and Kevin behind the camera (He will have a bunch of pictures on facebook when I'm done uploading everything in a month or five.

The gangsters of the Funky art cafe.. Super dancer guy on the right were the main attraction during the night showing of his dance moves (Wow, the Indian guys dancing that night did not have any inhibitions, arms were flying people were jumping. Of X I had to join).

Kingsley, (you guessed it) the guy in the middle, was quite the character. He was from Queens and spoke with a NY/Jamaica accent. He drove a nice 350cc Royal Enfield bullet (nice when everything else in this country got a smaller engine than 150cc) was quite the giggelo...

Next we are gonna go 46 hours on the train (second Sleeper class, the regular) from Varkala to Agra (Taj Mahal) in one go with the Varkala express.. Wish uss good luck...

2 kommentarer:

  1. it seems like , you are having a great time exploring the third world :)

  2. ah the indian men.. whatta bunch :) when you think youve seen it all theres always something worse happening right behind you. TII! happy travels ras, love the blog. /ragge
