tisdag 10 februari 2009

The most amazing transport!!

We stormed the train to Agra and got to our seats kind of expecting to meet someone English speaking person to pass the time with... NOT.. Only Indians (some with better English, you understand some of it, who wanted to speak A LOT to you while you wanted to rest), some of which we had some good conversations with.

What do you do for two days on a train.

As always you watch the passing landscape trough the open door.

You walk down the different carriages to watch all different sorts of people. And the performers! Kids dressed up making back flips in the narrow space at the train, singing ladies with a very persistant way of singng making you wanna pay for her to go away. And of course the different salesmen shouting out what they're selling (Coffey, chai, paper (magazines), pani (water) and assorted sweets and food.

I played with my camera (lovely little thing) and read and ate.

I'm almost trough shantaram.. just got 200 pages left.

Food on a long journey like this is actually quite good. they come up to you and take your order a few hours ahead and then deliver your 30 rps meal to your berth. Nice!!

If you ever go second class sleeper in India, make sure you get upper berths. this way you can sleep whenever you want and not have people sitting at you when you wake up in the morning. We unfortunately had one upper and one lower and switched after half the way.

I also met an interesting sadhu (religious man who live only to achieve moksha, liberation) who blessed me and my wounds so they would heal faster..

I was quite happy when we stepped of the train station in Agra though. Two days is manageable but you start missing the mobility of not being stuck on a train gives.

In the end the entire journey ended up costing us around 650 rps per person (about 100 sek or 10 euros) with food included.. Amazing!!

So now I'm in Agra the city of one of the seven man made wonders of the world..

1 kommentar:

  1. Härligt Rasmus!
    Underbart att få prata med dig i telefon. Ha det fortsatt kul och håll er friska.
    Bamsekramar till er båda
