söndag 15 februari 2009

Jaipur. the stomach cleanser.

We traveled on general tickets (meaning unreserved and super cheap) but got on Sleeper class (generall class was stuffed but sleeper seemed nice) thinking we could play the stupid tourist card "O, I didn't know you had to reserve a ticket to sit here.. SO sorry.." We ended up paying a "seating charge" (Bribe) of 15rps each, the price of a bottle of water.

At the train station we had arranged free pickup to a guesthouse making the process of finding the area with guesthouses easy. We was told there was a pool witch, Alon thought was perfect. There was a pool right, a very empty one. We ended up staying there anyway (after haggling for an hour) and spent the afternoon exploring the area. Alon wanted to find a rickshaw and rent it for the following day. he only had one condition... That he could drive it!

He found a a lot of rickshaws for rent that he couldn't drive and we didn't think it was possible. Soooo... a couple of minutes after Philip compensated my protective fire stick socs (15rps) he and alon previously covered in chit, we met Alibabba, The smooth talking, street smart, tourist hussteling Alibabba. Wow. The next morning we were promised a rickshaw that we could drive ourselves for the high price of 250 rps for the full day including gas... WOW

We also went for a 25rps thail (Indian meal that keeps getting refilled until you thing you stomach going to burst), an action pushed by revenge on cris for inviting uss to a ridicoulus expencive place (slightliy exagerating, in the sence that it's still cheaper than back home) when we were in agra. You can tell in his face he wasen't used to the dabas (small indian resturant, hole in the wall type), he did end up enjoying the meal and didn't get sic (I think).

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