fredag 30 januari 2009

In the Tropics

Saying Goodbye.. something that cud be terribly hard... Not if you concentrate your thoughts and feelings to appreciate that you even got the opportunity to meet a person or go to a place.. And somehow I know there is no goodbye that is definite, once you met a person or experience a location you will always carry a piece of the feeling they gave you..

So eaven tho I wish I could see everybody I meet and love, I'm not sad..

We had to say goodbye to the beautiful people we met in kochin and head on..

we got up at 7am to and packed our bags (I really need to send some stuff home that I've just carried around since I got here without using, (fleece, sleeping bag, jeans and some of the Kevlar wick I brought... Pheww thats half my bag.).. We had a very haisty goodbye (Ther is always time to hug) and ventured away from Ham Dale Homestay..

Walk, ferry, rickshaw, train, buss and finnaly Husstle..

You get used to walking with your bag, but what is hard getting used to is all the people 'offering you a place to stay' (Draging your arm to get you to go with them) when you're walking down the street with your bag (Yes, you do get husstled in different ways without a bag to, but not at all as much..). The 30 min ferry ride was 2,50 rps (about 2 usd cents) and the rickshaw to the station were 40 rps for 3 people (Tamsen, a nice British girl we meet at ham dale shared it with us and payed it for us.. Thanx Tamsen!!)

Chai at the station and two 11rps tickets to Allepey later we sat at the train talking to a katakali dancer (traditional Indian dance) for the entire yourney.. an hour later on the buss (4,50 rps) and then on the streets of Alleppey... Jumping of the buss looking semi lost have the same effect as if you would trow money around you.. There will be people rushing towards you.. We hustled for a bit (bargaining with different people, looking a one of the locals hotels.. ect.) before we took a home stay offer (300rps a night)..

Home stay again..

Every home stay is totally different tho you stay with different families every time. I think we've been lucky because we have payed less and gotten good accommodation.. This time we ended up with a Roman catholic family with a very nice house in some Asian style architecture, I think?. We, again, got a giant room with attached bathroom and our own entry as an addition... GREAT!!
They even let us borrow Bicycles without any extra charge... So we left our bags in our room and ate lunch that the family prepared for us (50 rps a meal..) and ventured of on one ancient and one a little newer bicycle..

The love to a Bicycle..

It's just an amazing way to explore a new place!! We ventured off on some back roads and continued as far as we could..

...SUDDENLY, There was one child in a blue school uniform who started to point at us..
Then another... ...and another... and another.. And so on untill we had about 20 school children staring at us..


...pen, PEN, PEN..

...Sir you got pen?...

Suddenly we had 20 laughing school children running along the sides of our bikes shouting.. (you guessed it) PEN PEN PEN...

Then after a while the road ended and we continued on a small dirt path.. 30 minutes later the trail ended.. We passed a lot of people doing their laundry and washing themselves in the canal (not something i would do)..

when we got back we were exhausted, drenched in sweat and hungry.. The humidity in Kerala must be above 100%...
We watched some Indian MTV, had a nice home stay meal and passed out..

A boat ride trough paradise..
1030 in the morning we were comfortably seated on the small ferry (20 people) witch departing to Kollam.. We had already taken the buss in to town (Usual Near death experience) and had a nice Masala dosa (18 rps) for breakfast..

The ride Was AMAZING... Think EXTREAMLY green, small villages and overloaded boats and temples playing music so you heard it a kilometre away..

We saw house boats, kanoes, Concrete carriers (the boat close to sinking) and small fishingboats..


Kollam is a big city (Big cities kind of have the same feeling to them) and is not on our places to stay list.
We did however watch a Tamil movie (action, comedy and Music videos.. WHAT??) while we were in kollam..

Next stop VARKALA

onsdag 28 januari 2009

Train, buss, ferry and bicyckle...

SO... I'm Sorry i have neglected writing for so long... WAIT!?..

It's just been 3 days???
Like I say, "HOLY COW", time must stand still!!!

To Continue the adventure...

I had my tali in Gokarna (about 3 month ago?) and it was as I expected, VERY GOOD.

I went to an ATM to fill my empty wallet and discovered that there is two ATM's in gokarna.. Neither of them accepted MasterCard (WHAT)!? Luckily we found an traveling agency that had the solution against the small fee of 2%.. Actually not bad =)..

O I realized I've written prices in rupees without telling the value of Indian rupees..
One Swedish Krona is 6 rupees and one US dollar is about 50 rupees.. Just for reference..

So I got 2000 rupees (4 days of expenses) and had to pay the large fee of 40 rupees..

Going to Kochin in kerala

Time for the buss. Back to the station.. We had put our hope in that the night station officer booked tickets for us so we wouldn't have to travel unseated on a train for 14 hours..

Well... He hadn't booked us any tickets, BUT we were lucky and got last minute tickets in sleepers class (300 rps) (after 25 minutes of intensive tries to communicate with the semi English speaking station master)..

I exercised my homemade fire staff (Remind me to NEVER backpack with a 5 feet staff in the future) in the sun and Phillip played with his camera.. After a while other people started to turn up, one very nice girl (Sophie) from Spain (she had good English!), and two french girls (also surprisingly nice English). It turned out we had our seats just next to each other...

The train journey was, as always, interesting..
I spent a good hour hanging out from the train (Pure adrenaline) going 100km an hour (I here refer you to picture NR 1 and dad, don't worry my hands were tucked behind sturdy bars), I had good train food (an EXTREMELY spicy tali packed in plastic bags, with some chai as beverage, nice..), I got invited to a nice (but VERY drunk) Indian gentleman's house (he wanted us to tag along right away) AND I discussed the meaning with life, my life philosophy and life and love with Marie (one of the french girls) until late night (It's wonderful with new perspectives and life loving people)..

We (the little club we formed during the 14 hours of traveling) woke up at the end station around 4am (luckily our station, something we did not know) and realized the train was empty except for a few westerners, us... Hrmm..

We all had masala chai (really good one), then talked to the rikshaw drivers discussing prices, but ended up deciding to take the 6 am buss. We spent time talking and drinking Chai untill the busses started running.

You would think that the busses would be conected to the train station.....


The train station (a really big one since Kochin got just under a million inhabitants) is in the city but still we had to walk a good kilometer before we reached the bus stop.. AMAZING.. hahah..

It was still dark when we jumped on the buss and payed the 8 rps it cost. It was a nice ride.. the feeling of being totally lost going trough impossible passages passing people, goats, cars and cows with a margin measured in a few centimeters... CRAZY

We jumped of at some place Philip had looked up as a good area to find living. We hustled around for an hour or so (6:30am) and meet Bruno (Pic NR 2) who turned out to be of old Portuguese heritage and being a old hotel manager.. It is so hard to know ho to trust due to all the husslers, so when he gave us different recommendations I didn't know if he was genuinely nice or tried to get some commission.. After having something to eat I went with the stomach feeling and we ended up at the place he recomended and got a discount mentioning his name...

In Kerala they have something called home stay which is just that.. You basically rent a room in someones home.. This is what we are doing now (Thanks Bruno) and we have 3 beds on 2 people and our own bathroom, in the middle of the city... For the price of 400 rupees!!

We spent the day with the french girls and were cultural in the eavning waching a dance and ended it watching the sea while a warm rain (We're on the equator you know) and a mighty thunderstorm started up in the clouds..

Yesterday started with a south Indian breakfast, Iddly, white soft lentel cakes that you eat with spiced milk kurd (I survived the spice attack but would not voulonteer for an other one) we rented bicycles to see what it would be like to discover a kochin on the back of a steel horse...

A MUST DO (The best way to se a place)..

We took the ferry from the island we stay on (I got quite surprised when I found out it was an Island) to a close by peninsula. On the ferry we met the Dheli vollyboll team, hare krishna (OMG), TALL INDIANS..

After biking for 15 km down the road, CRAZY TRAFFIC, we got tired and tried a small little road to the right thats (thats me standing about half way down the road.) 15 min later we found our self in a small fishing village with smiling people and a small beach. The whater was probably 30 degrees warm.

We meet a 18 year old boy who were VERY interested in us. He Even knew some English... (he is the one doing the wheelie with my bike)

With very soar bums but an unforgettable feeling of Life we got back home (the movie clip is from the ride home)..

A shower later we went to the same resturant we had breakfeast at. I had the best veg. kurry with parrottas (fried breadkakes) so far. When we were walking to the whine shop (Crazy little butik with counters protected with steel bars with a walk trough system.) we stumbled upon a hindu cermony in the street with elephants (Notice the 'shnabel' in the picure), Crazy India..


Such a good day.. It's almost midnight and I'm soon to head back to the homestay and talk and drink with the other guests.. (half bottle rum 130 rps)

Today was an easy day. we bought tickets for tomorrows train (11rps) and ate and spent mony in the internet cafe (3 hours 90 rps)

Indian wiering is somehing that require more than just education (Fatalism maby?)...

Notice the "Kerala gods own country" sign, strong portugees herritage in this region...

And then me clibing trees..

Lots of love

//Rasmus Leo Foyer

lördag 24 januari 2009

On the road again... AND AGAIN

The Husstle is a trial.....

The latest days have been relaxed, wonderful and CHAOS..
I'll just sum up what we've done and then share some of my observations...

So after I last wrote we, hussled a ticket to Kerala, went to Cuddly Beach and got a 100 rps hut (The door, to the very right in the picture with hutty looking things, was ours). We split it and it was quite nice... Well.. It we got bed, a lamp, palm leaf walls AND the best of all a SHOWER! You heard it a real SHOWER! not just a bucket to pour over your head but running water... (a shared of x, but still!)

We ate good, meet some nice people and spent our time reading and checking stuff out. Beautiful as always.. Phillip walked in to Gokarna, 20 min walk over a hill to collect the ticket but was one day early.. I read and slept in our hut.. After a night of fire and two funny Canadian girls who someone had taught VERY VERY dirty Swedish words (they knew a whole dialog.. Dirty dialog, made my eyes pop and my jaw drop), we had an easy day.. We checked out, one hour late (my personal Standard) and I went for adventures while Phillip stayed at the beach.

I went to Gokarna and bought an anklet (50 rps) and a coconut for polishing (10 rps).. I didn't really plan the anklet but you can only plan so much. I started talking to a necklace salesman about buying a few beads.. 35 minutes later I had been introduced to his wife, nephew and little brother (looked 14 turned out to be 20) and taught in the art to recognize the different types of Shiva beads.. Now I have some around my anklet releasing energy to my body and honoring Shiva!?..

I went up on the hill 100 meters above sea level or so and watched the sun licking the sea to extinguish its tremendous thirst after a hard days work (Warm days like this one, and all other days we have been to india, its never really a clear sunset due to all the vapor the sun creates while quenshing its thirst).

Here I met sunset warrior Peter.

The sunset warrior Peter.
Peter is a 26 year old life lover that used to work as a photographer but foud his peace in India. He reprecents a lot of people I've meet here.. Well educated and fiscaly poor but happy like few.. He represents all the people who realized their 9-5 job didn't make them happy and started living by realizing, making things that make you happy WILL make you happy (you want to try? It's mostly about daring.. Unfortunately courageous people are happier..)
Peter now spend atumns in sweden picking Carl-Johan Mushrooms that he sells to resturants and the rest of the time in India.

This we discussed until the sun was long gone.. Wonderful life..

Hussling in Gokarna.
Around 11 pm we caught a rickshaw to the station (350 rps only rickshaw around "special price for you my friend".. Atleast the ride was really special..)

We arrived to the trainstation somewhat before 12pm, about an hour before our train was sopposed to leave.. 40 minutes later we are sitting at the station officers office while he explains to uss that the train dosen't stop at this station, but the next.. 26km away... Bye bye train...

So once again.. On the road again..

We got to sleep in the retireing room for the small charge of 30 rps each.. We had almost newly washed sheets (last year or so.. by that I mean some time during 2007. luckily I have my own sheats) but the luxury of our own bathroom.. I culden't se any cockroaches so that was nice.. Unfortunately we had to be out of there before 6:30am tho the station officer went of his shift.. So at 7am (one km walk from the station) we took the buss back to gokarna for 9 rps each..

Now I got some money and Is going to eat a 25 rps thali (the one in the picture, had one yesterday as well) and husstle some more.. Might have to travel 14 hours without a booked ticket.. Muhahah


The pictures from last time is asorted sunsets in Gokarna and me polishing a Coconut.. (I'll show the result when I'm done..

To hungry to Write..

Love Love

torsdag 22 januari 2009

O thy holy Cow!

Time flies and the sun shines!

Yes I'm thinking about all you guys who are working, going to school or preforming some dull task.. You could be in INDIA exploring your well of enlightenment, eating good food and slowly roasting with a good book in the sun..

Back in Gokarna now and already missing paradise. We took the back path over the hill and ended up in a small fishing village. First I wondered why all the beaches on that side of the hill were empty, then I smelled why... Fishing village alright..

Walking through the village We met a lot of school children in their blue perfect looking uniforms (Boys short cut and girls two braids.. NO EXEPTION).. Some of them had red caps on with a german slogan on it. They were all very nice and said "Hallo, Pen? PEN!".. It turns out the two duch guys in front of uss had been handing out caps and pens to the little students causing the choruous of the quire "HALLO [...] PEN!?"

O well.. Late as I always am..

I'll write you later..

And explain the pictures

lördag 17 januari 2009

Change of plans... ??

Soo we were taking the buss huh? Nope.. we ended up taking the train (that we were told were going to leve at 2pm and then 3pm and then when we bought the ticket it turns out its sopposed to be there at 0305pm but turns upp 20 min later.. hahah.. Wonderful..

Last time on an indian train we travled in sleepers class with specified seats.. this time we traveled unspecified.. Adventure!!

the journey lasted for 2 hours and kost us 16 ruppes. so about the price of 3 chewinggums. For the tremendous amount of money we paid we got quite alot of things>
A lot of fresh air (no glass windows or closed doors on this train...
A lot of practce in the staring game (Some Indians are unbeatable.. do they blink?)..
Frech dates from a date farmer that were very friendly and complemented my positiv aura (Big muslim gentleman with the classic BIG beard)..
I got the traditional hanging-as-far-out-from-the-train-as-possible kick!! (A MUST DO)..
we also got the joy of not really knowing when to get of and then troing our self off we it was time to do so..

I also had a train sandwich, I did however pay 10rupees for it (Dobble whitebread sandwich with mixed vegetables and spices.. NICE!)

we then took a buss from the station towards gokarna tho the trainstation in about 20km from Gokarna town..

You can really tell this province, karnateka, isn't as rich as Goa.. BIG difference..
The English charter crowd in goa is glowing with its non precence on the Gokarna buss, instead we have ol' skottish hippy guy Tommy with bad teeth and some other nice but somewat lost old hippie like turists or life lovers.. The rest of the people on the buss were consistent of backpackers, Indians, ISRAELIS and uss..

The buss was probably from the end of the fifties and had been pached so much that it was more paching than buss. our luggage went on the roof and we in the buss. When we stept on board it was already overloaded but we got in (and so did 5 more backpackers and some indians we picked up along the way...

all to the price of 25 rupees.. =)

The beaches near gokarna in not really that close to the town. We went to Ohm from gokarna buss station (big dirt field with a 'station' building in the middle)and it cost us one hundred rupees..

We meet two israeli girls that had walked the entire way from the buss station.. They went to bed VERY early.. I really wanted to walk but we never did tho the sun was about to set..

SOOO.. Well Ohm is beautiful and relaxed.. have spent two nights around the fire.. VERY NICE!! HAPPY TIMES!!

We sleep in separate huts for 150rupees a night with shared bucket shower and concreate bed with a small matress on it.. Lovely fealing though..

DOGS.. HERRE MINA HASTAR (Lord my horses).. COWS..

In the middle of our loud jamsession yesterday we had an inner cirkel of dogs sleeping around the fire. every now and then there would be a dog from an outsider pack passing by creating a barking groove in our jam.. lovely sound, Digerido, mouth harp, harmonica, gitarr and Jimbe (african drum) with a pinch of dog barks and Song .. I'll tell you guys when we release the CD...

The cows and the dogs sometimes plays with each other resulting in a bearseaking cow running down the beach with a big pack of dogs close behind..

I made a nice neclase yesterday. I bought two short ones and used the beads to make a long one.. Beautiful!! I'm cind of bad at bartering tho.. When I want something I say "Ok Sir, Give me good price" This is what Husstelers (salespeople) say when they try to sell something to you.. If I then get a resonable price I'll just pay it and not barter (Told this to the neclase salesman and he wanted 100 rupees (they usually say 500) so I just gave it to him) I could have probably gotten it for a 70 rupees but 30 rupees to him is two days food for his family and he is probably not selling too good considering everybody here is cheep hippies or indians with little money.. It's just half a coke I'm bartering about anyway..

SO now we are heading down to paradise beach!! heard you can sleep in a hammock for 5 rps a night!!

Leave a comment if ther is anything you wanna say or ask!!

Loads of love
Rulle kanelbulle

torsdag 15 januari 2009

A buss ride to Gokarna...

Is all that is between us being in Gokarna..

ha ha!

late nights, loads of mosquito bites, stumbeling home under the beautiful moon. WONDERFUL.

Well I'll tell you more later.. our buss is leaving in 45 minutes and we need to collect our stuff at the shack and go into town....

So I.m just leaving you with a few pictures tho they say more than I just did..

Loads of love
//Rasmus Leo Foyer

tisdag 13 januari 2009

What feels like three weeks later!!


Time passes so fast and so slow, It really feels like we've been in India for a month or more.. Beautiful!

So to cover What I've done since my last post.. Damn, I'm starting to realize it's impossible.. I've done WAY to much, impression overload...

Well, here's a try....

We took a rickshaw down to the beach for 70 rupees.. the ride was as always when traveling in a rickshaw a thriller.. Flying down the road in 60 km/h less then an armlength from people walking along the street and to oncoming traffic.. A real kick!

The driver instantly took us to a bungalow place he said was good (where he probably got commission). We hustled for a bit to get the price down and then went over to the neighboring place and got the price down a bit.. We could have probably gone cheaper but decided to stay there a week for 500 rupees a night. That is about 40kr per person and night (one standard meal at McDonald's)..

This first day we meet a lot of people, a really nice family who works with performances (fire poi, staff, acrobatics and stuff).. Really nice people. we meet Sari, a danish girl who have been traveling around the world for half a year..

and of X Steve..
The 51 years old "SILVER HAIRED" dutch/English life lover who spends all his winters in India.. Lovely guy.

We swam in the incredibly warm and nice water (Arabic gulf?) and ate for a hundred rupees. Lovely.. Later in the night I went to a open Mic night and Phillip went to bed.. I met a ton of cool people, a nice couple from London who bought me and Steve beers (the guy (Adam?) is practically BLACK, I've never seen anybody with such a dark tan!!). Some of the guys playing at the place were really cool hippies who have lived here for a couple of years and really looked liked they had the time of their life. I ended up jamming with my harmonica for quite a bit with some of the guys when they had turned of the microphones . Lovely!!

I went home really late and was quite tired when I woke up in the morning.. More beautiful , some poi spinning and chilling in the sun. We went in to Canacona and ate for 50 rupees (tali is great!!) and I got soma kerosene for fire spinning.

When the sun sets here it is a really fast transformation, Suddenly it's below the horizon and stars starts to pop up in the sky.. AMAZING.. Especially with the moon arriving from the east.

We drank some beers with our friends and then we headed towards 'Neptune's point' at the very south end of the beach for a SilentNoise party.. In goa they have started a music curfew that means no bars or clubs can play music after 11pm.. This leads to SilentNoise parties.. when the music stops playing at 11pm everybody switches to headphones with three different channels for different DJ's.. Really weird watching people dancing away to music only they and people on the same channel can hear..

I got my headphones for free when I told them I was putting on a fire show.. Saved me 500 rupees and lead to a great night. Meet some nice people =).. Went to bed around Dusk (7am or so)

the next day was a hangover day and I just relaxed and in the eavening I went to an other open mic night, this time with Phillip.. Amazing.. Got to Jam a bit this nite to..

yesterday ment beachlife and good food and poi exercise..
Card play until late in the night..

O, For you who haven't read Shantaram READ IT.. Wonderful book..

Sleept in our newly bought hammock last night. and quite comfortably to.

I could rite about Soooo Much.. If there is anything you guys wonder about or wants to know.. Drop a comment =)

Dad, just got to say I'm loving my camera (if not even making love to it.. all the pictures are taken with my camera since the last post..

\\Rasmus Leo Foyer

torsdag 8 januari 2009

Crazy is just the beginning..

Phillip and I set our first foot on Indian soil 4 am yesterday morning. The airport was pretty nice, some uncovered concrete walls half finished construction, but it had a good vibe (Might have been the amount of adrenaline, endorphins and
veggie plane meals that made me feel this way though). We pretty much just strolled trough customs, the pass guy barely glanced at my passport, he just stamped it and sent me further down. After picking up our bags (No signs or information saying witch luggage reclaim carousel it was) we exchanged some money and ventured out.

We found out that after you exit the airport you're defiantly not allowed back in (there was an armed bunker making sure you wouldn't). We thought we would be able to hustle a good price for a cab in to the central station on our own but NO.. The first guys we meet claimed to be airport informants and tourist security something something.. They were talking in walky-talkys to each other and looked professional (Well as professional as professional Indian do.. Hrmm), they told us that due to the Terrorist treat and a Muslim festival that was going on we were prioritized targets going to get killed... He then asked us "were are you from?" and we told him we were Swedish... "Oo! Swedish! Yesterday I helped 6 swedish tourists go to goa without having to stay in mumbay [...]" HUSSLER HUSSELER.. WARNING WARNING.. When we politely told him we didn't want to go to Goa and that we were going to Mumbai he AGAIN said we would die and when we walked away "stupid tourists".. He was professional alright, professional hussler..

We we ended up getting a pre-payer cab. This meant first trying to walk back in to the airport (the pay booth was located inside), getting stopped by the machine gun armed guards and directed to a hole in the glass window trough which we bought our 390 rupee recite. The next thing was finding the pre-payed taxis and a driver, Some 'nice' guy insisted on on helping us and as soon as we were seated in the car he asked for a 100 rupees. Charming..

I had already given the driver the recite and was kind of worried he would stop and ask for more money.. But as we were about to find out your supposed to give him the recite, he then goes to get it stamped (while beggars are putting their hand trough the open space in the widow) then he gave it back to us so we could show it to a guard as we exited the airport area.. Pheww..

40 bumpy minutes later crammed in the small cab without seat belts we arrived to Victoria central station.. Crazy place, we felt pretty lost.. We begun asking for the direction towards Colaba, the tourist district and simply started walking.. It was actually pretty special cruising between the people sleeping on the sidewalk (alone, with 5 kids or just their dog) wrapped in thin blankets.
We walked around until 730 am and was generally amazed over the trash, beautiful buildings, tropical trees hanging over the streets, amount of sidewalk sleepers and the beauty of all of this combined. Amazingly they don't open the restaurants until 9 am, but when they opened we had a really nice meal. consistent of a cheese sada doosa and some fried vegetable somethings (dada doda or something alike).. O, almost forgot, some monk came and blessed us and tied strings around our wrists and put dots in our forheds.. THEN suprisingly enough, he asked for 500 ruppes.. I cindly explained the situtaion to him and he walk away quite grumpy.. WITHOUT any money.. Husslers husslers...

Our original plan was to stay in Mumbai for a night but when we sat at the Red shield hostel after walking till our feet hurt we realized a beach would be nice after all..
We went to a train station, spent 15 min looking for the ticket office, another 10 filling out forms (luckily I had gathered this information previously) and then when it was our turn (10 min waiting) in the end of the "Q" as they write here we got redirected to a tourist counter in another part of the building. When we got there our train was FULL... AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

Luckily the lady was nice and looked at alternatives.. She found one empty seat at a train leaving 3 hours later from a station across town. So we ended up running back to the hostel were we left our bags (3km), jumped a cab to the victoria station (100 rupees) and hussled until we found out which train to take to go to the other station, bought the ticket (7 rupees) and then jumped the train.

It is more comon for Indian trains NOT to have doors then it is for them to have doors.. Quite amazing feeling hanging out from the door waching things fly bye!

Asking gets you a long way as long as you ask the right person. Most people here are really nice and genuinly JUST wants to help while others will try to hussle you for money in every situation.. I turned out we had to take a Tuktuk for 10 minutes to get to the other station wich wasent really connected to the other stations with rail..

We made the train at 1405 (instead of taking the train at 2305 and being abale to sllep the whole 11 hour journey) and split one seat (or bed as we bought a ticket in sleepers class..
We arrived in Canacona in goa at 1 am and walked down to a hotel closer to the beach..

Now Phillip is husseling me tho he wants to leave the Internet cafe and go get a bungalow..

So.. Short end...

We split the roome with Jame, a brit we meet at the train and woke up this morning, went back to canacona to get money and eat and blogg..

More later folks
//Rasmus Leo Foyer

onsdag 7 januari 2009

I doaha, huvudstaden i qutar!!

Fin flygplats.. Gratis internet!! Tjoo hoo..

Vakten kollade misstanktsammt pa varan wisky men slappte igenom oss.. Fina tider bara 4 timmar kvar tills vi sitter pa flyget mot mumbai..

Om ni ska flyga med qutar och ar veggo men inte veganer, strunta da i att bestalla veggo mat.. det ar veganmat och becelsmor utan ost till. Ordinarie altrenativen lika bra..

Ha det fett! Det har Jag!!1


tisdag 6 januari 2009

Sista natten I sverige..

Yesterday it was the last goodbye to the Hbg crowd. Alon had bought 23liters of beer at systembolaget (680 sek??, Crazy but good!) whitch gave the party a good start. It was a very nice eavening, bleeding from the mouth wresteling with Alon and admiering the tremendeous job he and JJ made cleaning the appartment...

Peggy and me yesterday.

I'm going to miss you guys, and I'm really glad I had a cj
hance to see so many of you before I left..

I woke up In Håkans bed at the WONDERFUL sound of my alarm. At least I slept five hours. One hour and a half later I arrived at my moms house and would'ev probably been wise if I started packing. I wached telivision with Christer (My moms funny, he is a lot of fun, husband), something on animal planet i think..

40 minutes before I'm supposed to get picked up I start packing (VERY unlike me pushing tasks like this in front of me). I made it just in time and filled my belly with moms mushed potatoes and some veggi-sausages to stand 15 in the cold wating for the late Phillip.. NICE. (Adrenaline keept me warm)..
Haak and magnus and Björn enjoing Life

Now I'm in Stockholm at my moms friend Ina and her son

Felix were we are spending the night before we go to the airport tomorrow.

Waking up at seven, probably the first time in 4 month or so...

She coocked us a really nice sooup and gave us frech pinapple for dessert.. Thanks Ina, it was great. We eaven had dinner entertainment as their little hamster was showing of his acrobatic climbing skills while we were eating..

Muhahha.. Soon in India.. Take care and don't be to jealous, I'm not going to use toiletpaper for a coupple of months or so..

And mom try not to worry to much.. I'll have a good time..

Phillip eating The Nice soup!!