lördag 3 januari 2009

And soon we're off!!

So, in what!? 5 days I'll be on a beach? well something like that. Pretty sick.
It's raining outside and I got a cold. What better time to be leaving for India.

I've been shot up with the necessary vaccines.
I got my visa and my ticket.
In other words, there's nothing to stop me from leaving.

Well.. I thought the husseling was going to start in India.. But No.. .

  1. To get my Visa, Which I just got a couple of days ago I had to Call the embassy not one time but 4 times before I even got to speak to the right person. He could not find my passport and simply replied "EEeeeee, We'll look in to it Mr. Foyer".. You might imagine how that made me feel a little more than a week before I was about to leave (I wish could bottle up the stomach feeling I had, I bet it would be a good cure for Delly Belly..).It got Issued the same day I called which means it layed at the embassy for a good 5 weeks..
  2. So I still dont have any credit/debit cards.. Hopefully these will arrive on monday since I'm leaving on Thuseday..
  3. Moving out of my apartment and being really sic wasen't the best combination.. Thanks to my sis and her gitar gurru boyfriend (He being a gitar gurry is non inportant in this matter but I think he deserves to be braged about) I just made it.. AND ofX thanks to my ol' friend Jillian who helped me clean to.. Lot of husseling thoo..
  4. Now ther's only a few things to do before I go.. Go to the Dentist. Go to the Bank. Pay the elektricity bill. Pay my Travel Incurance. Do laundry. Pay of small Debts and Collect small Debts. Hope for the best with the Cards. Make a will (In case I die). And see alla of my beloved and say goodbye.
It might sound like I'm a little stressed out right now.. But acctually I'm really relaxed and is almost missing my butterflies.. I got whats important.. The "whatever happens it's OK" attitude..

GOD, Life is good...

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