lördag 24 januari 2009

On the road again... AND AGAIN

The Husstle is a trial.....

The latest days have been relaxed, wonderful and CHAOS..
I'll just sum up what we've done and then share some of my observations...

So after I last wrote we, hussled a ticket to Kerala, went to Cuddly Beach and got a 100 rps hut (The door, to the very right in the picture with hutty looking things, was ours). We split it and it was quite nice... Well.. It we got bed, a lamp, palm leaf walls AND the best of all a SHOWER! You heard it a real SHOWER! not just a bucket to pour over your head but running water... (a shared of x, but still!)

We ate good, meet some nice people and spent our time reading and checking stuff out. Beautiful as always.. Phillip walked in to Gokarna, 20 min walk over a hill to collect the ticket but was one day early.. I read and slept in our hut.. After a night of fire and two funny Canadian girls who someone had taught VERY VERY dirty Swedish words (they knew a whole dialog.. Dirty dialog, made my eyes pop and my jaw drop), we had an easy day.. We checked out, one hour late (my personal Standard) and I went for adventures while Phillip stayed at the beach.

I went to Gokarna and bought an anklet (50 rps) and a coconut for polishing (10 rps).. I didn't really plan the anklet but you can only plan so much. I started talking to a necklace salesman about buying a few beads.. 35 minutes later I had been introduced to his wife, nephew and little brother (looked 14 turned out to be 20) and taught in the art to recognize the different types of Shiva beads.. Now I have some around my anklet releasing energy to my body and honoring Shiva!?..

I went up on the hill 100 meters above sea level or so and watched the sun licking the sea to extinguish its tremendous thirst after a hard days work (Warm days like this one, and all other days we have been to india, its never really a clear sunset due to all the vapor the sun creates while quenshing its thirst).

Here I met sunset warrior Peter.

The sunset warrior Peter.
Peter is a 26 year old life lover that used to work as a photographer but foud his peace in India. He reprecents a lot of people I've meet here.. Well educated and fiscaly poor but happy like few.. He represents all the people who realized their 9-5 job didn't make them happy and started living by realizing, making things that make you happy WILL make you happy (you want to try? It's mostly about daring.. Unfortunately courageous people are happier..)
Peter now spend atumns in sweden picking Carl-Johan Mushrooms that he sells to resturants and the rest of the time in India.

This we discussed until the sun was long gone.. Wonderful life..

Hussling in Gokarna.
Around 11 pm we caught a rickshaw to the station (350 rps only rickshaw around "special price for you my friend".. Atleast the ride was really special..)

We arrived to the trainstation somewhat before 12pm, about an hour before our train was sopposed to leave.. 40 minutes later we are sitting at the station officers office while he explains to uss that the train dosen't stop at this station, but the next.. 26km away... Bye bye train...

So once again.. On the road again..

We got to sleep in the retireing room for the small charge of 30 rps each.. We had almost newly washed sheets (last year or so.. by that I mean some time during 2007. luckily I have my own sheats) but the luxury of our own bathroom.. I culden't se any cockroaches so that was nice.. Unfortunately we had to be out of there before 6:30am tho the station officer went of his shift.. So at 7am (one km walk from the station) we took the buss back to gokarna for 9 rps each..

Now I got some money and Is going to eat a 25 rps thali (the one in the picture, had one yesterday as well) and husstle some more.. Might have to travel 14 hours without a booked ticket.. Muhahah


The pictures from last time is asorted sunsets in Gokarna and me polishing a Coconut.. (I'll show the result when I'm done..

To hungry to Write..

Love Love

1 kommentar:

  1. Verkar som om ni börjat komma in i den lugna fasen... visst är det skönt med enkla saker som rena lakan, kläder, en dusch, toalett och god mat.
    Kram mamma. ser att du har 3000 kvar på icakontot så jag väntar med att föra över pengar?
