tisdag 6 januari 2009

Sista natten I sverige..

Yesterday it was the last goodbye to the Hbg crowd. Alon had bought 23liters of beer at systembolaget (680 sek??, Crazy but good!) whitch gave the party a good start. It was a very nice eavening, bleeding from the mouth wresteling with Alon and admiering the tremendeous job he and JJ made cleaning the appartment...

Peggy and me yesterday.

I'm going to miss you guys, and I'm really glad I had a cj
hance to see so many of you before I left..

I woke up In Håkans bed at the WONDERFUL sound of my alarm. At least I slept five hours. One hour and a half later I arrived at my moms house and would'ev probably been wise if I started packing. I wached telivision with Christer (My moms funny, he is a lot of fun, husband), something on animal planet i think..

40 minutes before I'm supposed to get picked up I start packing (VERY unlike me pushing tasks like this in front of me). I made it just in time and filled my belly with moms mushed potatoes and some veggi-sausages to stand 15 in the cold wating for the late Phillip.. NICE. (Adrenaline keept me warm)..
Haak and magnus and Björn enjoing Life

Now I'm in Stockholm at my moms friend Ina and her son

Felix were we are spending the night before we go to the airport tomorrow.

Waking up at seven, probably the first time in 4 month or so...

She coocked us a really nice sooup and gave us frech pinapple for dessert.. Thanks Ina, it was great. We eaven had dinner entertainment as their little hamster was showing of his acrobatic climbing skills while we were eating..

Muhahha.. Soon in India.. Take care and don't be to jealous, I'm not going to use toiletpaper for a coupple of months or so..

And mom try not to worry to much.. I'll have a good time..

Phillip eating The Nice soup!!

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