tisdag 13 januari 2009

What feels like three weeks later!!


Time passes so fast and so slow, It really feels like we've been in India for a month or more.. Beautiful!

So to cover What I've done since my last post.. Damn, I'm starting to realize it's impossible.. I've done WAY to much, impression overload...

Well, here's a try....

We took a rickshaw down to the beach for 70 rupees.. the ride was as always when traveling in a rickshaw a thriller.. Flying down the road in 60 km/h less then an armlength from people walking along the street and to oncoming traffic.. A real kick!

The driver instantly took us to a bungalow place he said was good (where he probably got commission). We hustled for a bit to get the price down and then went over to the neighboring place and got the price down a bit.. We could have probably gone cheaper but decided to stay there a week for 500 rupees a night. That is about 40kr per person and night (one standard meal at McDonald's)..

This first day we meet a lot of people, a really nice family who works with performances (fire poi, staff, acrobatics and stuff).. Really nice people. we meet Sari, a danish girl who have been traveling around the world for half a year..

and of X Steve..
The 51 years old "SILVER HAIRED" dutch/English life lover who spends all his winters in India.. Lovely guy.

We swam in the incredibly warm and nice water (Arabic gulf?) and ate for a hundred rupees. Lovely.. Later in the night I went to a open Mic night and Phillip went to bed.. I met a ton of cool people, a nice couple from London who bought me and Steve beers (the guy (Adam?) is practically BLACK, I've never seen anybody with such a dark tan!!). Some of the guys playing at the place were really cool hippies who have lived here for a couple of years and really looked liked they had the time of their life. I ended up jamming with my harmonica for quite a bit with some of the guys when they had turned of the microphones . Lovely!!

I went home really late and was quite tired when I woke up in the morning.. More beautiful , some poi spinning and chilling in the sun. We went in to Canacona and ate for 50 rupees (tali is great!!) and I got soma kerosene for fire spinning.

When the sun sets here it is a really fast transformation, Suddenly it's below the horizon and stars starts to pop up in the sky.. AMAZING.. Especially with the moon arriving from the east.

We drank some beers with our friends and then we headed towards 'Neptune's point' at the very south end of the beach for a SilentNoise party.. In goa they have started a music curfew that means no bars or clubs can play music after 11pm.. This leads to SilentNoise parties.. when the music stops playing at 11pm everybody switches to headphones with three different channels for different DJ's.. Really weird watching people dancing away to music only they and people on the same channel can hear..

I got my headphones for free when I told them I was putting on a fire show.. Saved me 500 rupees and lead to a great night. Meet some nice people =).. Went to bed around Dusk (7am or so)

the next day was a hangover day and I just relaxed and in the eavening I went to an other open mic night, this time with Phillip.. Amazing.. Got to Jam a bit this nite to..

yesterday ment beachlife and good food and poi exercise..
Card play until late in the night..

O, For you who haven't read Shantaram READ IT.. Wonderful book..

Sleept in our newly bought hammock last night. and quite comfortably to.

I could rite about Soooo Much.. If there is anything you guys wonder about or wants to know.. Drop a comment =)

Dad, just got to say I'm loving my camera (if not even making love to it.. all the pictures are taken with my camera since the last post..

\\Rasmus Leo Foyer

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