måndag 30 mars 2009

Koh Chang, Paradise?

So after seven hours on a buss (Luxury ac one) with a Hannah in pain, we arrived to the ferry..

The Taxi transport they got here is Tuck Tucks.. Basically a Pickup truck with seats in the back and a roof. They are smart here and have gone together and set a fixed price making bargaining impossible.. Man it makes me mad.. They wont go under 50 bath..

We went to a bungalow village on Thai bay mentioned in Philips guidebook, PORN BUNGALOWS!? Apparantly Porn is the last name of the brothers running it.. Hmm.. Accommodation was 350 bath per night for a double bed bungalow with attached bath..

The worst about Thailand I figure (It's beautiful and hassle free, if you wanna pay (you cind of have to since ther's no cheap alternative) is that the portions is to small unless you wanna pay a fortune.. Goodbye 20 rps thali..

350 baht is 'Only' (hrmmm) the second most expensive accommodation we have had so far this trip (only Goa was more expensive)..

I rented a scooter and took Filip to a shooting range so he could fulfill his dream of firing a gun..
He chose the Glock and payed 1500 baht to fire 20 rounds (Jesus!) (or Shiva). It only took 40 minutes to drive there... (see him fire it in the video)

I quite liked this bungalow (Real luxury was my exact thought) but Filips' back hurt tho the Bed was to hard (I didn't mind) so Phillip and Filip went on a hunt for a softer bed..

They found a RESORT.. I thought I had luxury and suddenly we were moving to a resort with soft beds, hot shower, big Bungalows, BREAKFAST BUFFE (you heard me) and Pool...

HALELULEA!!! (hare krishna, hare rama!!)

Since Filip is on vacqation and not Backpacking he's on a bit higher budget so he pays for most of it (I would rather sleep on the beach then pay a thousand bath).. Thanks!!

The best about this place (K.B resort) is (you might have guessed it) not the pool (second best) but the Breakfeast buffe!!!


We (me, Hannah, Philip and Filip) decided to go on a snorkeling trip and payed 600 baht (I wanted to cry) for a full day baoat trip visiting 4 islands snorkeling.. (buffe food included (how did I get persuaded???) ).. poor Hannah did not feel good in the morning and decided to stay home, she told uss she would get a massage instead..

We got picked up and brought to the boat.. It was uss and 200 thai people (guess some vacation started recently or something??) on one boat..

I Got to steer the boat for an hour (Of X this meant me being the Captain bossing people around! O hoy, raise the ankor, swab the deck maggots.. Arrgh)...
I sang songs and entertained the crew for a while.. Some how the looked at me like I was nuts.. Wonder why? might have been the dancing I did...

We saw fish and a lot of Thais in lifevests (about 400 since a lot of boats went to the same place, poor reefs) and got to dive of the boat!! We also meet some Nice Americans. Carter and Grace!
Carter is a forest fire fighter in Washington state and after talking to him for about 5 minutes about it (more like 5 seconds) I decided it is something I want to do for a season or two..

Some forrest guy is going to get a lot of calls about filling out papers for work permits and stuff.. Actually I might just go to the states and deal with it there..

We were semi disappointed about the snorkeling but had a very nice day..

We spent the next two days chilling by the pool (if you pay for it you might as well use it) and the evenings chilling with our new friends! We managed to hitch hike back from one beach we went to one of the nights saving 100 baht each (night rate, wtf??). we did have to walk the last kilometer and a half but I picked up some noodles (10 baht) at 7/11 so I managed..

Nice!! we basicly got attacked by rain.. 5 min before it was sun..

Witch Filip did just arrive and witch one have been traveling for 3 month??

O well last day on ko chang todayof to Cambodia In the morning.. Siam reap it's called.. the town next to Angkor What the 8th wonder of the world!!

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